Welcome To The School For

Sensitive Women

Develop the skills to love and accept your sensitive body, big-ass emotions and depth as an intuitive Woman.

Live a life guided so deeply by your body, so that you can love and accept yourself

soften, receive more love & finally trust your intuition.


The School For

Sensitive Women

Develop the skills to love and accept your sensitive body, big-ass emotions and depth as an intuitive Woman.

Live a life guided so deeply by your body, soften your walls, receive love and trust your intuitive nudges.

Women's bodies are created to be deeply intuitive. That means we FEEL a lot. The more sensitive we are the more skill is needed to interpret the many feelings the body perceives.

The more skilled you become, the more you see your worth.

This is a place for just that.

Practicing the skills for sensitive Women to trust their bodies again so life becomes less confusing and overwhelming.

Learn to trust your body and understand your sensitivity as a guide.

Introducing The School.

An online membership to access workshops, intuitive development, movement therapy, emotional clearings & supportive relationships with like-hearted Women.

Foundation Membership

access to ALL SFSW content.


BONUS: First 13 Women signed up receive a 60min Private Session

(Valued at $180)

Monthly Classes On The Themes We Need.

Themes to support you show up more authentically. Feel more in tune with who you are, more often. Topics like emotional intelligence, self-regulation and digestion for sensitive stomachs.

Weekly Practice Sessions.

Including different types of movement, writing and energy healing processes to tap into anytime. You are always supported.

Intimate Relationship With Like-Hearted Women.

Monthly meetings to connect, laugh and share together. A place where sensitivity is celebrated and you can practice being yourself with other sensitive women.

Past Library Of Courses & Workshops.

Including grounding practices, digestion for sensitive stomachs, journaling classes for releasing and regulating emotions.


October Theme:

The Many Cycles Of Women

Living in line with our natural cycle + that of nature is how we invite more ease and authenticity into every day.

Tuesday 1st:

The Cycles Of Woman Workshop

Saturday 12th:

Energy clearing for embracing change

Tuesday 15th:

Monthly gathering

Saturday 19th:

Intuitive journaling

Tuesday 29th:

Energy clearing for the body's energy centres

All recordings available within 24-48hr in the membership platform.

Past Workshops + Classes

Grounding & Releasing

There is a huge importance to ground and release for sensitive women. Being grounded allows you to be present, calm, and caring towards yourself and others. 

Grounding practices can help regulate your emotions, clear energetic blocks, and create space for growth and evolution.

Digestion & Decision Making

Your stomach isn’t just for digesting food—it’s also where you process emotions, experiences, and even trauma.

When emotions are left unprocessed, they can manifest physically, affecting your digestion and overall health.

Your Internal Voices (IFS)

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a modality that can help us make sense of the contradictions inside of us. 

IFS recognises the protective parts within you that aim to maintain your safety and well-being. Validating and understanding these protective parts, as well as the vulnerable parts they seek to shield, is deeply healing.

Healthy Co-Regulation

This workshop delves into the concept of co-regulation, explaining how humans naturally exchange energy with one another. The ability to have access to this in a healthy way is impacted by early childhood experiences.

Co-regulation is not just in human relationships, but also in connecting with the earth and other sources nature.

Intuitive Journaling

These writing sessions provide a space for you to tap into your own wisdom and strengthen your relationship with your intuition through free writing.

Learn to trust that whatever comes through is what is needed to be expressed and heard. This skill translates to making better decisions from your gut-feelings.

Emotional Clearing

Together we build a toolbox of practices that resonate with you, and to trust your intuition in determining what works best.

Including processes to work with resistance to change, analytical thoughts around your sensitivity, triggers and the centres of energy in your body.

"I never thought I’d be confident in my body. Ever."

I used to have a lot of social anxiety. Now I feel like I’m a gift to people, I’m worthy.

I’ve taken the pressure off myself to exercise to be happy and eat to be happy. It feels amazing. I feel free.


This space is for a specific kind of Woman.

The Emotional. The one who absorbs other people’s feelings and feels tired after conversations. The one people always open up to and who rarely feels equal in relationships.

The Body Critic. The one who is uncomfortable in their skin and feels the constant need to watch their food or control their body.

The Introvert. The one who shuts other people out. Who wants to be social but often feels overwhelmed. The one who prefers their own company but also feels a longing for deep connection.

The Over-function-er. The one who does everything for everyone else and never has time for themselves. The one who doesn’t sleep well and is constantly busy.

Or maybe you're just interested in growing as a human being and you recognise the power of doing it with other like-hearted Women.

You were born with the perfect support system:

your body.

It's time to return to her wisdom again.

Questions + Commitments

Foundation Members

The first 13 Women who grab memberships will receive a $180 private session. When those memberships run out you will see the regular foundation member offer.

When you enrol your price will be fixed for life. That means as the content library grows and the membership cost is increased you will only ever pay $111/month.

How To Access The Content

When you sign up you'll receive a welcome email. This will include details to log onto your membership site.

Your content is laid out in an easy-to-navigate format including links to all live sessions, a calendar to keep track of what's on and all replays to watch back anytime.

What Times & Days Are The Live Sessions?

All times and dates will be posted in the membership platform at the beginning of each month. Sessions will mostly occur on Tues/Thurs evening, Saturday morning or a Sunday afternoon (AEST).

All sessions will be available to watch back so that's absolutely fine if you can't make it. You'll notice the impact will be different if you're live or on the replay. Trust they will both hold the exact medicine you need when you need it.


Due to the nature of digital content, membership payments are final. We do not offer refunds, regardless of the length of your membership experience. You are able to cancel your membership anytime within 24 hours of your next billing cycle.

My Commitment To You

This school is built to support you in supporting you.

By joining the school you agree to move respectfully in the space. To respect other people's boundaries and willingness to engage.

Always remember you are the best authority on you. You will always be encouraged to follow your voice above all others. The teachings and practices are offered for you to experience, tailor to your own needs, and choose what you resonate with.

We ask that you look after yourself in the community spaces. Make sure you have everything you need in preparation for classes (water, comfort etc.) and keep a close eye on yourself to discern your need for breaks or to ask questions when suitable.

We encourage curiosity and engagement. If you are someone who tends to over-share, please be mindful and allow space for others to lean into the space more. If you are someone who tends to hang back, see if you can step forward and practice allowing yourself to be seen.

Always work to your comfort level but don't shy away from that soft line where some challenge leads to growth and welcomed change.

Bullying and harassment are not tolerated.

Confidentiality is key in the spaces. All members agree to keep privacy sacred and leave out identifying factors when sharing their experiences with others.

As much as feels authentic we encourage the qualities of pro-active listening + learning, an open heart, and commitment to self-growth.

Keeping in mind laughter and fun are also potent medicine for the soul.

These points of conduct are for your safety and to ensure the best experience possible for all involved. Thank you for agreeing to contribute to the supportive environment of the school for sensitive women.

Key themes in the curriculum.

An Intentional Nervous System

Your nervous system warns you away from what isn't healthy and relaxes around what is good for you. However, traumatic experiences distort its accuracy. It is important to know your triggers and have tools to use so you're not reacting unwillingly. Here we train to have an adaptable nervous system: where we are open and able to be with life's distresses AND joys.

Energetic Awareness & Respect

The field of energy around your physical body acts as a sponge, drawing in energy from other people and your environment. It also acts as a boundary, repelling and filtering energy. Energy can get stuck in our field keeping away what we want. Work with this part of you to clean up the energy you are giving, receiving, and holding on to.

Emotional Holding

The emotional body is a technology. When we feel different emotions they can prompt us to feel what we need to release or learn from. The skill here is differentiating the two and giving yourself what you need. As we develop as human beings we get to hold bigger emotions and grow our capability to feel. Rather than depending on others for safety, we find safety within and get to experience relationships for love rather than scarcity.

Unique Needs Of A Sensitive Woman

Sensitive women are designed to feel more than others. You are highly perceptive and have a strong intuition that many don't understand. Some may call it psychic tendencies or gut instincts. This gift comes with a need for better self-care, self-awareness, and a strong nose for discernment. When misunderstood sensitivity is seen as weakness or a vulnerability. Let me assure you - it is not. It is a powerful responsibility. This is a key theme woven through the school.

Claiming Authority Of Your Body

The conditioning we go through to fit into family or social needs means our body suffers neglect. To live in alignment with who you really are it requires a deep level of care for your physical body. Only after that is taken care of can we access more freedom to act from intuition or love. Here we develop a true relationship with your body's subtle messages and allowing them to inform how you make decisions for your greater well-being.

Validating Women's Work

Women have long gathered together, syncing our cycles and sharing stories and intuitive knowledge. The energy we create when we come together carries a unique signature of healing work. You are part of something timeless and magical. Strength in women enables to transform the layers of shame we carry for ourselves, our mothers & their mothers -- healing patterns of disconnection passed down through generations.

Recovering From People Pleasing

Learning to put your needs first requires you to identify, communicate and follow them. For women who learned to fit in by prioritising others this is tricky work. It requires us to increase our capacity to feel misunderstood or judged without collapsing our energy centres. People pleasing is a cycle that can only be broken in relationships where self-autonomy is celebrated. Here you will be able to anchor these skills with other women doing the same.

Your Internal Family System

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a methodology where modern psychology has come to understand we are not just one personality. We are made up of many parts that contribute to the psyche. You have a protective system that manages expectations, pain, and overwhelm. You also have a part of you that is your higher self where healing work happens. Work with IFS principles to tend to the vulnerable parts of your psyche that often go unaddressed for decades.

These skills are not something you can read and action because of the way the body is wired.

It takes time to experience and practice them.

Foundation Membership

access to ALL SFSW content.


BONUS: First 13 Women signed up receive a 60min Private Session

(Valued at $180)

Monthly Classes On The Themes We Need.

Themes to support you show up more authentically. Feel more in tune with who you are, more often. Topics like emotional intelligence, self-regulation and digestion for sensitive stomachs.

Weekly Practice Sessions.

Including different types of movement, writing and energy healing processes to tap into anytime. You are always supported.

Intimate Relationship With Like-Hearted Women.

Monthly meetings to connect, laugh and share together. A place where sensitivity is celebrated and you can practice being yourself with other sensitive women.

Past Library Of Courses & Workshops.

Including grounding practices, digestion for sensitive stomachs, journaling classes for releasing and regulating emotions.


"You will not regret it."

The tools I've learnt have not only made me feel better internally but also made me so much more aware of the beautiful things that I never noticed before. I recommend any woman who wants to change a pattern that isn't serving them to go on this journey.


"Now, I couldn't imagine not loving my body"

I have more energy I can share and give. My husband has noticed I’m more capable of having conversations instead of shutting down. I also have more calm as a mum because I have more space to parent from a place of being really present rather than reactive.


Still have questions?

Contact me at [email protected].

"I never thought I’d be confident in my body. Ever."

I used to have a lot of social anxiety. Now I feel like I’m a gift to people, I’m worthy.

I’ve taken the pressure off myself to exercise to be happy and eat to be happy. It feels amazing. I feel free.


© Copyright 2024. Emily Petridis. All rights reserved. Terms and conditions for joining the school.